“Piggy’s Predicament” (circa 1996 – 2001)

Presented here are early computer animation work-in-progress assets. The abbreviated animations within this exclusive selection set represent excerpts from one of the roadshow pitch packages for the “Piggy’s Predicament” media suite. These rough early-stage renders serve as periodic “pencil tests” of character rigging and performance, texturing, lighting, timing ,.. ..on their way toward further and further refinements.

Signature (looped) sequence: ““Piggy’s Fall” ( aka “Lorba!!:”)
Glimpses of Street Scene: vidiBored Panel
It’s right down from the ol’ Farnsworth Theatre, next to that greasy spoon Sarnoff Diner!
“Eye-to-Eye-to-Eye” (2000)
Early rig: Walk/gesture test [Max Callahan, Char Animator]