
A “scientific game” of search and re-search where players vie to locate specified biological organisms amidst a swarming sea of microscopic collage imagery. For mor exacting investigations, an X/Y positional magnifying lens (scopingUnit) aids in the discovery of extraordinarily small creature details within.

“Yes, indeedy folks, step right up,  ..guaranteed edutainment and *fun for the whole family!”

(Uhh-hh, ..not **really.)

The entire “game system” comprises a plethora of elements that, as a work of art, is designed to have provenance-tracking administered through a droit de suite system (DDSS), with launch of the project being instigated via an inaugural art auction. Tracking of subsequent exchange transactions is to remain evergreen to the terms of the original DDSS for a designated period of time; replete with cloud-monitored and authenticated data available for transparent reviews by owner-participants. The system addresses the traditional politics and currency of art auction house transactional privacy (personal, public, or corporate) rules by dynamically actuating vital game-balancing transparency among buyers/sellers/traders/advisors. All collectors’ game elements are serially registered via real-time publicly reviewable exchange ledger data of transactions.

[With the requisite constituent parts of the game available and in working order] Each player starts her timer; to then: 1) Select a challengeTableau from those available within their tableauxHold box; 2) Place it down into the scopingRack’ top-located activeSlot; 3) In lower-to-upper progression and advancing from the left side of the windowed cells, study the token image presented ; 4) Guide the 2DOF scopingUnit across the centralDisplaySurface while viewing through the lens (and/or studying the simulcast video monitor) ; 5) Focus on magnified imagery to match those exhibited on the given challengeTableau, 6) Upon successful image location, stop timer and record duration; 7) Collect match’s corresponding physical scopeToken; 8) Place the awarded token down into its associated holding cell slot, 9) Repeat as determined by mutual players’ agreement.

The full droit de suite implemented project includes elements:

scopingRackMaterials: Archival honeycomb board, cherry wood, paper, UV-protected matte medium, acrylic. Dimensions: 30.5”L x 5”W x 37”H

scopeTokens:(multiple): Materials: Paper prints, resin, copper tubing Dimensions: 1.625”D

tokenBoxes:Materials: Wood, paper, flocking, acrylic, shellac, varnish. Dimensions: Various

challengeTableaux(14): Materials: MDF, inkjet print paper, acrylics, UV-protected matte medium. Dimensions: (Each) 18”L x 4”W x .25”

tableauxHoldsMaterials: Wood, shellac. Dimensions: 9.25”L x 3.25”W x 4.5”H

  • *Based on my definitions of “fun”.
    **Because this is actually –in reality- a work of fine art, it is NOT intended to be touched or handled in virtually any manner. (Well, except perhaps virtually.)

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